Have a customer wanting to purchase more than one item from your shop? When listing a new item, you will see a delivery option called “Bundling”.
If this option is enabled, a Buyer purchasing from your shop will be able to buy multiple items without duplicating the delivery cost. Bundling activates automatically for the Buyer after the first purchase and allows to make additional purchases (within 1 hour) from your shop without any additional shipping cost.
Note that sellers can enable or disable bundling for each item separately. This means that if you are selling something that doesn't fit inside a sleeve or you cannot fit any other items with this one item inside the same sleeve, then you can turn bundling off for such items. Seller is the one responsible for making sure that bundled items fit inside one sleeve.
If you wish to create a bundle listing then you can just create a new listing where you add the summed price to the listing—>add either a random images or an image which states the user for who the bundle is—> share the bundle listing with the Buyer—> Buyer can make one purchase for all the chosen item.