Privacy policy


14.1. Shop Yaga collects only such personal data from the User that arise during the use of the Portal pursuant to the User’s activities on the Portal. Such data is, for example, data in the User’s profile, information provided during the sale of a product, and data saved from all other activities provided on the Portal (saving a product/another User, making a purchase, sending messages, etc.).

14.2. Shop Yaga has the right to process data that Shop Yaga has received from the User when logging into the Portal and that Shop Yaga has asked for during the use of the Portal or which is collected about the User when otherwise using the Portal for the purposes and to the extent specified in these Terms.

14.3. The User consents to Shop Yaga processing their personal data for the purposes and to the extent specified in these Terms. The User has the right to withdraw the consent at any time, request the termination of the processing of personal data and the deletion or closure of the collected personal data, as well as the closure of the User account. The User can request the deletion or closure of the collected personal data, as well as the closure of the user account by contacting Shop Yaga at

14.4. Shop Yaga uses the User’s personal data to provide, develop, and personalise the Portal’s services.

14.5. Shop Yaga has the right to use the User’s personal data and transfer them to third parties selected by Shop Yaga to cooperate with them to ensure the quality and availability of Shop Yaga services, as well as expand, improve, and otherwise develop the services offered by Shop Yaga.

14.6. Shop Yaga  is the handler of personal data; Shop Yaga transfers the personal data necessary for making payments to its authorised payment processors Peach Payment Services, Ozow , Mobicred and other service providers, which process personal data according to the rules prescribed for payment services.

14.7. The User always has the right to ask questions related to the processing of the User's personal data, and additional information by contacting Shop Yaga at The User also always has the right to contact the authority supervising the protection of personal data, which in South Africa is the Information Regulator of South Africa ( ).

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