Why fake is bad: Why Yaga does not support replica items?

Purchasing counterfeit products may seem like a cheap option in place of the authentic item but there are several important reasons why supporting such market is not just against Yaga T&C but also ethically and practically wrong. 

1. It is illegal 

Selling replicas or counterfeit goods infringes on the intellectual property rights of the original creators or brands, such as trademarks, patents, and copyrights. South African law prohibits the sale, distribution, and manufacturing of counterfeit goods under the Counterfeit Goods Act, 1997 (Act No. 37 of 1997). Yaga has a strict policy against listing and selling fakes - such listings will be removed, which may also lead to an account ban. 

2. Lower quality and potentially harmful 

Counterfeits are often made with low-quality materials and bad workmanship, meaning they do not last as long as genuine items. Even worse, some counterfeit products, such as cosmetics, skincare, or electronics, can pose serious health and safety risks. Replicated cosmetics may contain harmful chemicals (e.g mercury, methanol, mold) and poorly made electronics can cause electrical failures or fires. 

  1. It can be connected with organized crime

The profits generated from the sale of replica items are often funneled into other forms of organized crime.

4. Harmful to legitimate businesses 

Original brands invest time and resources into developing their designs, innovation, and quality, while counterfeit sellers copy their work without the same expenses. This affects both the creators and the people employed by these companies, including designers, manufacturers, and retail staff. 

In conclusion it is illegal and not safe to buy or sell replica items, hence please make sure to list only authentic items. You can read more about how to list an authentic item HERE.

Feel free to use the "Report" button for any prohibited items or suspicious Sellers. Once clicked and submitted, we'll look at the item/user and take the needed and necessary next steps forward. You can read more about on how to report HERE.

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